I took breaks towards the beginning at the two hour mark roughly each time. Towards the end of the session I just kept on playing and didn't take my break because I felt the players were just too shitty to be away from the computer for a break for more than 5 minutes.... so I paid for it.

I made one stupid bluff vs a fishy type player which started the downward spiral at the end of the session. I tried to bluff him when he has a set... so yea, that didn't work out too well.
I also got coolered twice right at the end vs a MASSIVE fish. He was playing 75% of his hands. The reason I didn't re-raise the $44 on the flop was because I wanted kkarate, the huge fish, to tag along. I wasn't liking the turn card obviously and I decided to try and take a free card and boat up. Once I was checked to on the river I felt I was ahead and needed to value bet it. He had check-raised all in on the river two other times vs me so I was fed up with it and snapped him off here with a set.
This one happened shortly after. I can't believe this.
This hand happened earlier on in the session... just plain ridiculous.
I decided to just stop playing because I was getting frustrated and not playing my best. Kind of a disappointing session even though I ended up with a solid win, as I was up about $3k at one point. Oh well, I'll just make sure I play even better tomorrow.
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